If you run into a situation where clicking on your edges only selects a few of them, and it's slow going, it's due to the Nvidia GPU settings. Here is how you fix it:
Right-click on your desktop
Select the Nvidia Control Panel:
Click Manage 3D Settings
Click Program Settings
Click Add
Browse to your RizomUV executable. It’s called rizomuv.exe and can normally be found in C:\Program Files\Rizom Lab\RizomUV 2020_r
Click Add Selected Program
Your UI will now look like this:
Select “AnitAliasing Mode”
Set AntiAliasing Mode to Application Controlled
Close the Nvidia Control Panel
Run RizomUV
Load your model
Hit F2
Select some of the edges on your model
Your Edges should now select properly
If the solutions above worked for you, we’d be very grateful if you took the time to tell us they did., and which one.
You’d help us measure how many users were affected by this issue.
Please drop us a line in our Discord, or create a ticket at https://support.rizom-lab.com/